Test Subsystem
A kind of implementation subsystem, in the implementation model, containing test-related components.
UML representation: Package in the implementation model, stereotyped as ½test subsystem╗.
Worker: Implementer

This artifact is only used if you are designing and implementing test specific functionality.

More information: Guideline: Implementation Subsystem.

Input to Activities: Output from Activities:

Purpose To top of page

The purpose of the test subsystem is to implement the test specific functionality to facilitate or automate tests. There are two main types of test-specific subsystems:

  • Test subsystems that are "stubs" for design classes that you need to simulate or have decided not to include completely in a test target.
  • Test subsystems that are drivers, facilitating the automation of test cases.

The Tester uses the test subsystems to execute the test specific functionality in testing. The test subsystem is a kind of implementation subsystem.

Properties To top of page

See Properties in Artifact: Implementation Subsystem.

Timing To top of page

Test subsystems are created and modified in parallel with creating and modifying corresponding application subsystems.

Responsibility To top of page

See Responsibility in Artifact: Implementation Subsystem.

Tailoring To top of page

See Tailoring in Artifact: Implementation Subsystem.

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